"Hi, I got my item, thank you so much..it went to the wrong house, not your fault, which is the reas ... " (more)on it took a few days longer for me to get it. I have great neighbors though, and they hand deliver any mail that gets put in the wrong box. Love them"
"It is the mail to go out tomorrow, I was in the hospital, I got very behind on everything...I have ... " (more)been trying to get caught up on my job etc...I do not mind giving the credits back, It as not any one fault it was just something that happened that could not be avoided."
"I am sorry...but I was facing kidney failure..I thought you understood. But, whatever...I have deci ... " (more)ded to do the right thing and give you your credits."
"It is the mail to go out tomorrow...I have been trying to get everything caught up. I do not mind r ... " (more)efunding the credits, the fact that I was in the hospital was not at all planned. I am sorry..."