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Member since Mar 2, 2014
Last login Apr 12, 2020
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 2
Total listings completed: 2
Total listings w/ winner: 2
Feedback received: 42
Positive feedback: 42
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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United States: 1923, Ulysses S. Grant, 1922-26 Regular Issue - US-907 (view item)
Great Britain: 1955, Carrickfergus Castle - GBR-907 (view item)
(48) Stamps from Europe - Many Different Countries - Used, Vintage, Cancelled - EUR-030 (view item)
Italy: 1945, Hand Holding a Torch - ITA-702 (view item)
Italy: 1950, Campania - The Trawling - ITA-705 (view item)