"As stated on the other listings. I will give all credits back & I also will send out items on J ... " (more)une 3rd. I understand his being angry at this situation & out of respect he/she will get the items won on Listia. So on the 3rd of June they will be sent out. I am sorry for delay."
left positive feedback for
chase302 on May 30th, 2014 at 5:13 AM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
(2 Shirts) Coolwear Shirts-Sizes Large & XL Like New.(view item)
"As stated before on another listing site, I am giving credits back but I also am sending out items ... " (more)on June 3rd as respect to this winner. I had issues to deal with & I understand the emotion of being angry. So all credits will be returned & items will be sent out on the 3rd of June. Thank you."
"This person has been very patience & I can understand the emotion of being angry. So your credi ... " (more)ts are given back & your items will be sent out on the 3rd of June. Thanks."
left positive feedback for
chase302 on May 24th, 2014 at 10:41 AM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
~ Bad To The Bone" Bike Helmet Decal ~ New!(view item)
"THe same as the other T-Shirt , you told me that you had a higher Bid then just 1 Bid point, but at ... " (more) the end of the bidding I find out that you only had 1 bid point - NOT a Higher Bid at all , you also emailed me and said you had a higher bid, another Lie so have your 1 bid point back. BROTHER....."
"I asked you if you was going to Bid more then 1 Bid point and you sent me a email and said you had ... " (more)more then 1 bid point for a high bid, that was a lie, so you can have your 1 bid point back."