"As always a wonderful person to work with. Very caring, considerate and warm. Also he is very promp ... " (more)t with his shipping. He is truly a great person and a AAAA++++ Listian. I will continue to look for what he has to offer and bid on his auctions."
"Seller was very easy to work with and she was very prompt with shipping the item. My 3 year old son ... " (more) is really satisfied and happy this morning! Thank you, Tiffany;~}"
"This was a very easy transaction. Seller was very quick with shipping also. I look foreword to deal ... " (more)ing with them in the future. AAA+++ Listian!"
"Winner was a very pleasant person to deal with. I have been unable to get her item shipped out to h ... " (more)er right away because I was sick, but she was understanding through out the transaction. Thank you for your patience and your bid!"