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Member since May 19, 2014
Last login Jun 8, 2021
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Total listings: 35
Total listings completed: 35
Total listings w/ winner: 35
Feedback received: 155
Positive feedback: 154
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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on Mar 16th, 2019 at 11:27 AM PDT (almost 6 years ago)
nintendo double dragon2 the revenge game pak instructions manual.exc cond. (view item)
Tetris Plus (Sony Playstation 1, 1996) Game Only. Tested. (view item)
ISS: Pro Evolution (Sony Playstation 1, 2000) Game Only. Tested. (view item)
NASCAR '99 Legacy (Sony Playstation 1, 1999) Game Only. Tested. (view item)
NASCAR Racing (Sony Playstation 1, 1996) Game Only. Tested. (view item)
NASCAR '98 (Sony Playstation 1, 1997) Game Only. Tested. (view item)
MMA (Sony Playstation 3, 2010) Game Only. Tested. (view item)