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Member since May 27, 2014
Last login Oct 30, 2017
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Essence Flux Shadows Over Innistrad 061/297 (view item)
positive feedback for
on Jun 15th, 2016 at 1:25 PM PDT (over 8 years ago)
"Cute Game Controller Necklace ~ ♠️♠️BRAND NEW!!♠♠️ (view item)
MTG, Wet Willie of the Damned - Unhinged, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
EXCLUSIVE Birdie Bernie Sanders 2016 2-1/4" Pinback Button (view item)
MTG,Mother of Goons - Unhinged, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
Magic the Gathering - MTG lot of 2 Rare Cards Possessed Skaab and Aeon Chronicler (view item)