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Lioness7228 on Oct 12th, 2017 at 10:23 AM PDT (over 7 years ago)
2 Silvertone Pewter Mini Buddha Charms ~ GIN gets 1 large also(view item)
"tuvm. Much appreciated. Just want to say it is a good idea to either mark the package, put a piece ... " (more)of paper in saying what the item is or at least mark the inside of the envelope what it is. I had to search thru all my 57 wins to find out what the item is"
left positive feedback for
Lioness7228 on Oct 7th, 2017 at 11:42 AM PDT (over 7 years ago)
Heirloom Seeds Kochia Burning Bush Scoparia Red Flower #2(view item)
"tuvm. Much appreciated. Just want to say it is a good idea to either mark the package, put a piece ... " (more)of paper in saying what the item is or at least mark the inside of the envelope what it is. I had to search thru all my 57 wins to find out what the item is"