left positive feedback for
lilnesha131 on Jan 12th, 2012 at 1:29 PM PST (about 13 years ago)
New Stainless Steel & Gold Tone Ring SIze 12(view item)
"I would like to know when you are sending my stuff you got the credits and my money i would like my ... " (more) stuff soon are I have to turn it over to get my stuff back from you "
left positive feedback for
lilnesha131 on Jan 6th, 2012 at 11:02 AM PST (about 13 years ago)
Beautiful Gold Disney Princess Jasmine Necklace!(view item)
"I was one of lilnesha131's first transactions, so she didn't realize that my address was ea ... " (more)sy to find. When I contacted her a week after the auction ended, though, she was great about it, apologetic and even through something in for my trouble. And it was free shipping!"