"Great Listian to work with. Most wonderful ... " (more)person to know! Very patient and communication is a breeze! Looking forward to doing business with you again, my friend :)"
Mar 16th 2014, 7:29:54 AM PDT (about 11 years ago)
"Wonderful person w/great patience & com ... " (more)munication between us always clear & understood.Enjoyed working this auction w/u.Hope u like it.Look forward to watching 4 your auctions as well :)"
"OMG this was the best thing I bought so ... " (more)far. I bid & won over 100 auctions. This has beautiful colors and the attention to detail is beyond compare. I'll thrilled I won this. :)"
"You're a great bidder and steadfast wit ... " (more)h staying top bidder! I'm happy you won and like her. Hope to see you bid if I auction again.You're a great person >¡<"
" Stacie,I'm still trying to catch m ... " (more)y breath. She is so beautiful!!! I really can't believe you we're so nervous when your work is so flawless. I looked at all the detail you did a great job. Girl, you do such quality work people would be willing to pay good for your beauties."
"Thank u so much! I'm so happy u like he ... " (more)r:) U made everything so easy working w/u has been fun and helpful! I hope we get to work another auction together soon:) Thank you again, Cheryl >¡<"